Our 2025 Event

Welcome to our ‘JaguarForumsUK Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owners’ May 25th, 2025.

Please check-in regularly for updates

Our Great Day Out is literally a great day out for everyone from petrolheads to families, and consists of a convoy/drive element, as well as our main event. The convoy/drive takes you from the starting point just south of Crawley, West Sussex (Pease Pottage Services at RH11 9YA) through glorious Sussex & Surrey countryside to the main event at the largest wine estate in England, Denbies (Postcode RH5 6AA)!

You can meet Jaguar clubs, forums, & specialists, enjoy show prices on must-haves, and win prizes and class awards plus meet Jaguar owners from around the UK and Europe.

You can book your Jaguar in at our Registration page, making payment by PayPal, and your Access Pass will be with you in minutes by PDF, or within 72 hours if you order an Official Laminated Access Pass.

Your registration fee includes:

  • Entry for your Jaguar & passengers
  • Inclusion in Award Judging (your Jaguar must be onsite)
  • Access to all our free prize draws before the day itself

In addition to all this our website at www.JaguarForumsUK.com carries all the event info, historical info, discounts, reviews, features and more right through the year!

We support the Chestnut Tree Hospice, helping them to support children and their families. Please click on the Chestnut Tree Hospice graphic below if you would like to make a donation.

Here are the details (subject to change) of our 25th May 2025 Event:

Attendees Signed up so far (click on clubs to see attendees)

General Admission

0020 Steve Sheldon 2011 XFS
0028 Mark Goulding-Wright 1991 Daimler Double Six
0036 Geoff Horne 2008 X-TYpe V6 Estate
0042 Roy Willey 2004 XKR
0069 Kevin Greenwell 1997 XK8

E-Type Club

0029 Andrew Morgan 1970 E-Type

JaguarBreakfast Club

0030 James Hinchliffe 1996 XK8
0034 William Martin 2016 F-Pace
0038 Chris Cole 2003 S-Type 4.2 V8
0040 Roldan Rodrigueza 2016 XE
0057 Gary Parsons 2007 XJ6 Sovereign
0062 Shaun Billinger XK8 4.2S Final Edition
0066 Richard Watkins F-Type V6S

Jaguar Drivers Club (Kent)

0024 – Robert Snare 2014 XF 2.2D Premium Luxury
0041 Robert Parker 1995 XJ12

Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (Sussex)

0023 – Stuart Orford 1968 Mark II 240
0060 – Ian Newman 1965 S-Type 3.8
0068 – Nigel Kermode 1965 E-Type Roadster
0072 – Jeff Roberts 1970 E-Type S2 FHC

Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (Surrey)

0055 Mike Simmons 1999 XK8
0056 Christopher Butler 1960 Mark II
0061 Marc Hanson 2010 XKR
0065 Steve Warren X350 Super V8
0070 Tony Young 1966 Mark II 3.8
0071 Tony Olney 1995 XJ Sport

Jaguar X308 XJ8 XJR Preservation Club

Modified Jaguar X-Type Group

0035 Mandy Jayne Gregory 2008 X-Type Sports Premium
0037 Gary Parker 2007 X-Type 2.2D Sovereign
0063 Ian Brundell 2003 X-Type 3.0 SE
0067 Daryl Box X-Type

Southern Jaguar XF Club

S-Type R Club

XJR Drivers Club

0027 – Mark Lambourne 1995 XJR6

XJS Club

0058 Stu Williams 1993 XJS
0064 Steve Gilligan XJS

XK Club


0032 Max Denby 2016 F-Type Convertible
0033 Peter & Nan Denby 2000 XK8 Convertible

X-Type Owners Club UK

Itinerary (subject to change)
  • 08:30 – 09:30 
    Event Registration, pick up your Welcome Pack, and you can start the convoy/drive to our main venue, Denbies
  • 10:00 -10:30 
    Arrival at Denbies (please follow the Marshals instructions for parking on site)
  • 10:30 – 11:30 
    Prepare your Jaguar for our judges who will be doing the rounds judging everyone’s Jaguar, noting that your Jaguar may be entered into multiple class awards by the judges, so you could be in with a chance at more than one.
  • 12:00 
    We all break for lunch (don’t forget you have a 10% discount voucher for the Carvery and Food Hatch)
  • 13:00 
    Live Interactive JaguarForumsUK Trivia Quiz in front of the organisers tent – fun for the whole family, to get you in the mood for the afternoon, and maybe even work off some of those calories from lunch.
  • 13:30 
    The live draw – you did buy some prize draw tickets? This year we have one of the biggest prizes to-date, along with a few of the classics and all proceeds go to the Chestnut Tree Hospice.
  • 13:45 
    Time for the class awards to be announced, and this year we have…..
    Best Exhaust Tone Award
    Scratchshield Best Turned Out Jaguar
    Wraptor Best Modified Jaguar
    Daily Driver Award
    Best Classic Award
    Best Jaguar with Potential
    Organisers Choice

Official Marshals helping you on the day

0043 Kevin Pitt 2009 XFR

Our Event Sponsors

ScratchShield – The bucket filter system
JagChat.net – The World of Jaguar Chat
Julian Ferraro Jaguar Specialists – Independent Jaguar Service & Repair On All Models
Autoglym – Passion for Perfection
Andy Levins Service – Servicing, MOT’s and Repair
Wraptor Customs – Tuning and Wraps
Christian Lorence – Prestige Jaguar Interiors
Leather Repair Company Kent
Nine Yards Detailing

Attending Specialists

DesignCats – The Big Cat Workshop
Julian Ferraro Jaguar Specialists – Independent Jaguar Service & Repair On All Models
Banana Creative – Great products keeping your Jaguar fresh
Wraptor Customs – Tuning and Wraps – CONFIRMED
Christian Lorence – Prestige Jaguar Interiors
Leather Repair Company Kent – CONFIRMED
Nine Yards Detailing – CONFIRMED

Presentation Slots

Presentation of awards, charity prize winners, & closing speech (organiser)

Class Awards on offer

Best Exhaust Tone Award
Scratchshield Best Turned Out Jaguar
Wraptor Best Modified Jaguar
Best Classic Award
Best Jaguar with Potential
Organisers Choice


  • Mark Lambourne – Trophy Support
  • Design Cats – Layout & Marshalling
  • Soraya Taylor – Marshalling & Design Logistics on the day

Latest Event Deals & Discounts

Bespoke Bags & Luggage for your Jaguar – 15% discount on luggage orders for all event attendees. Please quote BW001 when ordering, and say you are from the JaguarForums event.
10% Discount (with supplied voucher from organiser) on lunch in the carvery Restaurant or at the Food Hatch on the day.

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